Auto Profile
Rotating Profile Picture [Syntax:
autopfp <x> <y>
]Rotates your profile picture every 60 seconds with x degrees.
x (degrees) - The ammount by which the profile picture should be rotated. y (True/1/False/0, case sensitive) - If True, the previous profile picture is deleted from your profile after a new rotated profile picture is generated. Handy for those who don’t want to flood their profile with similar pics.
.autopfp 30 True
Rotates the current profile pic by 30 degrees every minute and makes sure that only one of the rotated profile pic remains in the profile.Use
command to stop rotating your profile pic, in case you feel dizzy. xDAutomatic bio changer [Syntax:
autobio <x>
]Updates your bio every 60 seconds with the current time, x is the custom formatted bio with a
placeholder to show the current time.Example:
.autobio Hello stranger, it's {time} o'clock.
Updates your bio every minute with the message format: Hello stranger, it’s 11:59 o’clock.
command to switch this feature off.Automatic name changer [Syntax:
autoname <x>
]Updates your display name every 60 seconds with the current time, x is the custom formatted name with a
placeholder to show the current time.Example:
.autoname I'm {time}.
Updates your name every minute with the message format: I’m 05:00.
command to switch this feature off.Delete profile picture(s) [Syntax:
delpfp <n>
]Deletes the previous n profile pics from your profile. If n is ‘unlimited’, it deletes ALL your profile pics.
.delpfp 5
Deletes the last 5 profile pics from your history.